The Prime Minister recognized Tominsky GOK as the priority project

The Prime Minister recognized Tominsky GOK as the priority project

The Prime Minister recognized Tominsky GOK as the priority project.

Governors of Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk areas Evgeny Kuyvashev and Boris Dubrovsky have acquainted the Prime Minister with the investment project.The case was provided at the INNOPROM-2016 exhibition. During survey of an exposition of RMK Evgeny Kuyvashev has addressed the Prime Minister. He has asked Medvedev about support of the project, having explained that it will stimulate social and economic development of both regions.The entity shall become the second for scales GOK in all Europe, economic effect of its creation is estimated at 80 billion rubles. Besides, recultivation of Korkinsky coal mine where it is planned to dump production wastes, will become important ecological action. As a result Dmitry Medvedev has directed the project to study in recommendation on strategic planning.


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