Russians conquer the "Medici"

Russian writers Guzel Yakhina and Zahar Prilepin were included in the list of nominees for the prestigious French literary grand prix. In the evening of 28 September, the jury of «Prix Médicis 2017» presented the second expanded list - in the new edition, the list of applicants for the award was enlarged with two nominations (foreign novels and essays). Published on 13 September, the first selection of French novels increased by one line, given to the book «Bosco» by Julia Mazzieri.
The nomination "French novels":
1. Kaouther Adimi. Our treasures (Kaouther Adimi, Nos richesses), - the publishing house "Seuil"
2. Jakuta Alikavazovic. Nightfall (Jakuta Alikavazovic, L'avancée de la nuit), - publishing house "L'Olivier"
3. Delphine Coulin. The girl in the jungle (Delphine Coulin, Une fille dans la jungle), - publishing house «Grasset»
4. Louis-Philippe Dalembert. Before the shadows disappear (Louis-Philippe Dalembert, Avant que les ombres s'effacent), the publishing house «Sabine Wespieser».
5. François-Henri Désérable. Someone Pekelny (François-Henri Désérable, Un Certain M. Piekielny), - publishing house "Gallimard"
6. Arthur Dreyfus. Without Veronica (Arthur Dreyfus, Sans Véronique), - publishing house "Gallimard"
7. Brigitte Giraud. Wolf for Man (Brigitte Giraud, Un loup pour l'homme), - publishing house «Flammarion»
8. Anne Godard. Crazy chance (Anne Godard, Une chance folle), - publishing house "Minuit"
9. Olivier Guez. Disappearance of Josef Mengele (Olivier Guez, La Disparition de Josef Mengele), - publishing house «Grasset»
10. Mahir Guven. The elder brother (Mahir Guven, Grand frère), the publishing house «Philippe Rey»
11. Yannick Haenel. Take care of your crown (Yannick Haenel, Tiens ferme ta couronne), - publishing house "Gallimard»
12. Christophe Honoré. Your father (Christophe Honoré. Ton père), the publishing house «Mercure de France»
13. David Lopez. Patrimony (David Lopez, Fief), publishing house "Seuil"
14. Julia Mazziere. Bosco (Julie Mazzieri, La Bosco), - publishing house "Corti"
15. Chantal Thomas. Memories of the tide (Chantal Thomas, Souvenirs de la marée basse), - the publishing house "Seuil"
The nomination "Foreign novels":
1. Brit Bennett. Heart beating for our mothers (Brit Bennett, Le coeur battant de nos mères), trans. from English., publishing house "Autrement"
2. Renato Cisneros. The distance that separates us (Renato Cisneros, La Distance qui nous sépare), - trans. from Spanish., publishing house «Christian Bourgois»
3. Paolo Conetti. Eight peaks (Paolo Cognetti, Les huit montagnes), - trans. from Italian, publishing house “Stock”
4. Gouzel Iakhina. Zuleikha opens his eyes (Gouzel Iakhina, Zouleikha ouvre les yeux), - trans. from Russian, publishing house "Noir sur blanc"
5. Han Kang. The lessons of the Greek (Han Kang, Leçons de grec), - trans. from Korean, publishing house "Serpent à plumes"
6. Esther Kinsky. The river (Ester Kinsky, La rivière), trans. from German., publishing house "Gallimard"
7. Eka Kurniawan. Beauties from Halimunda (Eka Kurniawan, Les belles de Halimunda), - trans. from Indonesian, publishing house "Sabine Wespieser"
8. James McBride. Light up and shoot (James McBride. Mets le feu et tiré-toi), trans. from English, publishing house «Gallmeister»
9. Zakhar Prilepin. The archipelago of Solovki (Zakhar Prilepine, L'archipel des Solovki), - trans. from Russian, publishing house «Actes Sud»
10. Juan Gabriel Vasquez. The bodies in the ruins (Juan Gabriel Vasquez., Le corps des ruines), - trans. from Spanish., publishing house "Seuil"
11. Colson Whitehead. Underground railway (Colson Whitehead, Underground railroad), - trans. from English, publishing house "Albin Michel"
12. Michael Winter. In the northeast (Michael Winter, Au nord-est de tout), - trans. from English, publishing house "Sous-sol"
The nomination "Essays":
1. Frédéric Boyer. What the heart is waiting for (Frédéric Boyer, Là où le coeur attend), - publishing house "POL"
2. Charles Dantzig. The agreement gestures (Charles Dantzig, Traité des gestes), - the publishing house "Grasset"
3. Shulem Deen. Who go to her do not come back (Shulem Deen, Celui qui va vers elle ne revient pas), - trans. from the English, the publishing house «Globe»
4. Caroline Emske. Against hatred: speech in defense of the unclean (Carolin Emcke, Contre la haine: plaidoyerpour l'impur), - publishing house «Seuil»
5. François-Xavier Fauvelle. In search of a wild ideal (François-Xavier Fauvelle, A la recherchedu sauvage idéal), the publishing house «Seuil»
6. Catherine Millet. The love to Lawrence (Catherine Millet, Aimer Lawrence), - publishing house "Flammarion"
7. Jacques Rancière. The shores of fiction (Jacques Rancière, Les bords de la fiction), publishing house «Seuil»
8. Philippe Sands. Returning to Lemberg (Philippe Sands, Retour à Lemberg), - trans. from English, publishing house "Albin Michel"
9. Maud Simonnot. La nuit pour adresse (Maud Simonnot), - publishing house "Gallimard"
10. Nicholas Stargardt. The German war. Portrait of one people in the war of 1939-1945 (Nicholas Stargardt, La guerre allemande: portrait d'un peuple en guerre: 1939-1945), trans. from the English, publishing house "Vuibert"
11. Pierre Vesperini. Lucretius: the archeology of European classics (Pierre Vesperini, Lucrèce: archéologie d'un classique européen), the publishing house «Fayard»
The list of finalists of "Medici-2017" will be formed on October 30, and on November 9, a ceremony of announcement and awarding of laureates is planned.
Author: Nika Murav'yeva ("Reshetoriya")
Source: "TV5MONDE"